TechSeed pioneers the future by seamlessly bridging the physical and digital realms, businesses and society with a comprehensive empowering portfolio of cutting-edge solutions, challenging traditional approaches for the demands of tomorrow.
Sven Ivar Mørch
CEO & Founder

Connected Ecosystems
Our world is a connected world. As society grows, value is created when smart things are connected in ecosystems such as Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Factories and Smart Companies. IoT and Intelligent Edge are integrated with existing Cloud environments and classical IT, creating new unique ways of connecting systems and people. As connectivity grows, previously separate technological areas such as IT, OT, Cloud, Product and Factory converge, demanding a more holistic view on the technological landscape. New techniques for visualizing and adapting the landscape and insights are required, such as Digital Twins, Machine Learning and AI, as well as creating stable, scale-able and secure solutions
Coworkers (and growing)
The industry is growing at a rapid pace
As new technologies are created, new needs are discovered. The last few years, companies both global and local have invested heavily in IoT, Intelligent Edge and similar areas, leading in a heavy growth within the area. For example
- The Nordic IT services market has a CAGR of 5%
- The IoT market is estimated to 7,2 bn USD in 2025. CAGR of about 14%
- IoT market grows three times faster than IT services
- Digital twin tech market from $4.6 in 2022 to $33.9 billion in 2030
- X-reality market from 2019 to 2024, 80% growth. In UK £62.5 billion, 2030
Our insights into the market has shown that the convergence of IT, IndTech, ProdTech, together with appliance of Emerging tech is a ”sweet spot” where few companies are able to bring an end-to-end solution.

Digi-Physical Value Network
To meet these challenges, we believe that a wide range of skills are required. Today, many attempts to connect tech and people fail due to a too narrow view on how many areas are affected. For example, IoT is in itself a technological solution that spans both hardware, software, cloud and integrations. It need to be automated and secure, as well as provide qualitative data and visualization. Additionally, implementing IoT or similar technologies requires an good digital strategy, a clear goal and proper change management. With this in mind, we are building TechSeed through our Digi-Physical Value Network which is the backbone of our end-to-end solutions. By providing capabilities throughout the network and supporting it with cross-network functions such Hyperautomation and Cyber Security, we take ownership of development projects from idea to finished solution.

Our game plan
Alongside creating our digi-physical value network and creating our offerings, we're also building a company from the ground up, together. Our way of working to achieve a diverse, co-owned place to work with good culture and long-term stability is to focus on the right things in the right time. Our game plan displays the different phases every TechSeed site goes through, starting in the 01 Start-up phase and working towards joining the rest of TechSeed in phase 3. Every step we take forward is in alignment with our game plan, making sure we keep working towards our vision and taking care of finances, culture, stability and positives vibes at the same time.
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